roman nail

Find coordinates (within a 5-meter radius): 38.415190, -6.445032

Material: Iron

Description: First, I’ll post links which should help explain why I think this rusty piece of refuse is a Roman nail.

Here is an entry for a Roman ship nail.

Here is what archaeologists found at Inchtuthil in Scotland.

Also, I was told one day while walking on the mountain by an old man, a retired police officer, that there was “some Roman house” down the mountain a ways and he waved his hand in the general direction of what he thought was the remains of a Roman house. Finally, after walking WAY too far one day, I found it by accident on a later occasion. I’ll post about it later, but it’s only a semi-circular foundation literally surrounded by sherds and items peculiar to the era. I found this nail not four meters southwest of the southwest edge of the “Roman house”, lying on the ground in plain sight.

To repeat myself in the spirit of safety: I can’t date this item properly because I don’t have the money to do so.  However, because I’m a guessing man I’d put it between 100 b.c. and 400 a.d., so it’s perhaps around two thousand years old.

If you look closely, you can see the points made in the iron by the craftsman’s chisel around the head and down the shank. This nail was manufactured by hand and perhaps pulled out of a beam in such a way that it bent to its present shape.