flaked flint

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Find coordinates (within 5 meters): 38.418443, -6.439319

Description: This is a small piece of flaked flint with a flat back-side. This piece caught my eye because in all of my searching I’ve not found a place where chert, flint, or obsidian could have been mined locally (meaning “on the mountain”). At the moment, this piece of flint is the only one I’ve found in the area. It appears to have been flaked but also, it is the victim of heavy sheep-hoof traffic and likely has been further damaged on its descent down the mountain. I found it on the Zafra side, just up from la esquina (the elbow in the farm road) next to a dilapidated farm complex.


Update 17 April 2012: I’ve found a similar item online which may help cast light on this piece’s origin and past use:
