animales de la sierra del Castellar

encontrado debajo las rocas - found beneath rocks

araña (encontrado entre tallos de hierbas al atardecer) - spider (web slung between weed stalks at sunset)

cienpies - "tiger" or "banded" centipede

meloe - oil beetle

mariposa - butterfly

horseshoe whip snake

encontrado en ojas caidas en el bosque - found in fallen leaves in the woods

encontrado tomando sol por todos lados - found sunning themselves all over the mountain

skink (?) de badriaga - badriaga's skink

encontrado debajo de las rocas y por la sombra - found underneath rocks and in shady places

lesser kestrel

cordoniz pintada - red-legged partridge

crested lark

eagle owl

white stork - ciguena blanca

garza boyera - cattle egret

conejo - hare

jabeli salvaje - wild boar


Disclaimer: I’ve seen more animals than these listed and I may add them over time, but the animals you’ll have any chance of seeing are already here. Probably no one will see a boar; at least I hope not! The boar is the only animal I haven’t seen on the mountain but Ihave seen it’s skull and spinal column, so they do exist in the area.
I have by no means seen all the animals this mountain houses. The above is simply a list to give enthusiasts and travelers an idea of what to expect to see.