hilltop ruin – la ruina de la cima

ubicación de ruina de cima - hilltop ruin location

vista de zafra - view of zafra

vista de la montaña - mountain view

mandibula de vaca - cow jaw


Site coordinates: 38.422503, -6.441776

Description: At the crest of a little hill northeast of the main ridge stands this peculiar little structure. It is ruined down to a standing enclosure of unmortared stones stacked more than a meter high. Its shape is roughly circular with a slight bulb on the southwest side. In this bulb there is evidence on the walls of past fires, but no evidence on the surface of the ground. The structure is littered with cow bones. In the map above it’s possible to see a quadrangular enclosure immediately to the south; this appears to have been an animal pen or a garden. A quick survey of surface debris didn’t reveal any sherds or evidence that the structure ever had a tiled roof.