roman house – la casa romana

ruin from the southeast – la ruina como visto del sureste

lower ridge formation – linea de sierra abajo

foundation – base

foundation – base

foundation – base

location map – mapa de colocacion

Site coordinates: 38.415253, -6.444951

Description: While walking one day on the ridge I met an old man who told me that “somewhere down there” was a “Roman house”. Now I can’t say certainly whether this structure was indeed inhabited by an Italian, but I did find this and this directly below it on the mountain slope.

The structure appears to be circular and is situated on a lower, minor ridge on the southeast mountainside. There’s a heavy concentration of pottery sherds along this lower ridge. The structure appears in a photo dated 2001 in Patromonio Oculto de Zafra by Jose Antonio Amador Redondo. In this photo, portions of walls remain; today, the structure is ruined to its foundation and was difficult for me to identify at all.

2 Responses to roman house – la casa romana

  1. A. Correia says:

    Vengo acompanhando este blogue hace algum tiempo. Igual que ustedes encontrei algunos artefactos de granito (gneiss) em Portugal. Despues de mucho buscar em la www solo aqui fue possible mirar esses artefectos. Saludos

    • Levi Shand says:

      Olá bom dia/buenos dias/hello,

      Estoy feliz que has disfrutado este informacion. Tristamente, esta montana esta en Espanha, en E(x)tremadura, no E(s)tremadura. Creo que gente puede encontrar artefactos asi en Estremedura tambien, si habia interes. Estamos en Tailandia ya, pero tenemos mucho mas fotos para ensenar aqui. El blog no esta terminado. Ese verano voy a poner mas aqui. Otra vez, gracias!

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