subcircular whorl/weight – huso o peso subcircular

1. top profile - perfil de arriba

2. detail - detalle

3. rotation

4. rear - atras

5. rotation

6. profile - perfil

7. angle - angulo

8. angle - angulo

Find coordinates (within a 5-meter radius): 38.415203, -6.445040

Description: This is a sub-circular granite stone featuring a 1.1cm hole bored through its center. On what I’m calling its “top” there is a 1.7cm (in diameter) depression supported by a bulb visible in the first photo. On the same surface narrow and shallow indentations run from the stone’s edge to the hole in its center; these indentations appear to have been worn into the stone by a cord or string. One trough runs toward the 1.7cm depression and the other runs the opposite direction.

The opposite surface is plain save for a companion wear-mark to the trough which runs away from the 1.7cm depression (image 8). In total there are three of these so-called troughs. Image 6 tries to show how these troughs meet (beneath the lichen) and how over its use-life the stone had become distorted.

Speculation:I’ve come to support three possibilities in respect to this object’s use-life utility. They are:

Net Weight: Support Images: one two three four

Loom Whorl/Weight: Support Images: one  two

Pump drills also sport stones of this shape. None of the examples I’ve seen explain the extra off-center hole/depression on this piece.

One Response to subcircular whorl/weight – huso o peso subcircular

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